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Quota protests: Another dies from bullet wounds

A 17-year-old boy, who suffered bullet wounds during the recent violence, died at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital yesterday.
Mohammad Emon was shot during a clash between police and protesters in the capital’s Natun Bazar area on July 19, said his sister Tahmina Begum.
Emon, who used to work at a restaurant in the capital’s Bhatara area, breathed his last around 3:00am yesterday, according to the DMCH’s death register.
The body was sent to the Dhaka Medical College morgue for an autopsy, said inspector Bachchu Mia, the in-charge of the DMCH Police Outpost.
Emon’s death takes the total number of deaths from the violence centring the quota reform protest to 209, as per The Daily Star’s count.
The tally could become higher as this newspaper could not get confirmation from different hospitals where dozens of critically injured were taken for treatment.
